Coaching Program Frequently Asked Questions
What is professional coaching?
The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential, which is particularly important in today’s uncertain and complex environment. Coaches honor the client as the expert in his or her life and work and believe every client is creative, resourceful, and whole. Standing on thi sfoundation, the coach’s responsibility is to:
- Discover, clarify, and alig nwith what the client want sto achieve
- Encourage client self-discovery
- Elicit client generated solutions and strategies
- Hold the client responsible and accountable
This process helps clients dramatically improve their outlook on work and life, while improving their leadership skills and unlocking their full potential.
What is leadership or executive coaching?
Leadership/Executive coaching concentrates on the leadership aspects of a professional career. It invites you to look inside and discover your values, innate wisdom, strengths, passion, and purpose. The more you understand about yourself the better your decisions will be and the more effectively you will be able to implement those decisions and motivate others to perform.
What is the difference between Leadership/Executive coaching and career coaching?
While career coaching focuses more on professional development, leadership/executive coaching focuses on the leadership aspects of a career, often but not always within a certain organizational context. However, in all coaching, the whole person is at the center of the coach’s attention with his/her uniqueness.
Will I be an executive leader by the end of the sessions?
The sessions will increase your self-awareness, effectiveness, and connection with yourself. Your learning journey is applicable to both personal and organizational leadership. It will provide you with meaningful insights through consistent self-exploration and thus will help you find new ways to act in different situations and go forward in life with purpose.
I am not in a leadership role right now, is this for me?
Knowing about and developing your leadership skills and gaps does not only benefit you when you are in a leadership role. Leadership permeates through life and comes into play whenever you take responsibility for your actions or non-actions.
Why should I engage in leadership coaching?
Coaching, as well as leadership coaching, is about personal growth and the development of latent potential. If you are interested in challenging yourself, your limitations, and what is possible, then leadership coaching is for you.
What are the benefits of coaching?
Coaching provides you with a supportive relationship with a trusted partner who is committed to helping you develop skills and attitudes that will benefit you in your professional role (and life). Benefits of professional coaching include:
- Increased interpersonal effectiveness • Increasedself-confidence
- Enhanced decision-making skills
- Fresh perspectives on personal or professional challenges
- Noticeable improvements in productivity, satisfaction with life and work, and the attainment of relevant goals
Is everything I share in coaching confidential?
The conversation that occurs between you and your coach is confidential. You will have the opportunity and choice to document or identify the goals and outcomes you hope to achieve in coaching; however,what it takes to get to those outcomes will remain between you and your coach.
What if my coach has never done the kind of work I do?
Coaches are skilled at asking good questions to help you get to answers you may not have found another way. For this reason, it is often not as important for them to have the same experience as you have as it is that they be present, interested, and expert at asking the right questions. In many cases, an outside perspective can provide you with alternative ways of understanding your situation.
What type of training do coaches have?
Most executive coaches have experience in the behavioral sciences, business, or both. Most coachesare certified through the International Coach Federation (ICF), the largest accrediting agency for coach training programs. Coach certification means that the coach has attended anaccredited coach training program, usually a yearlong course of study and completed a certain numberof coaching hours. All certified coaches are required to adhere to a code of ethics and complete continuing education hours.
What should I look for in my coach?
Research conducted by both Harvard Business School and the American Management Association has identified the right fit between coach and coaching participant as critical to a successful coachingengagement. The most important element of the right relationship is trust — do you feel like you cantrust this person to care about and guide your developmental process? Chemistry tends to matter morethan reputation or résumé, though for some people, experience counts a lot towards credibility. Learn to trust your instincts in picking the right coach. Trusting in yourself and your coach is the first step towarda successful coaching experience.
What if my coach and I are not a good fit?
If after the first session with your assigned coach, you do not feel that you and your coach are the right fit, please discuss your concerns and options for next steps.
Can I regulate the frequency and timing of the coaching sessions in order to continue meeting the demands of my position?
You and your coach will schedule the frequency and timing of your coaching sessions in a way that best meets your needs. If you need to reschedule a session at any time, coordinate with your coach no laterthan 24 hours in advance of the planned meeting. Cancellation or rescheduling less than 24 hours inadvance of a scheduled meeting may result in a charge and or lost session.
Can I contact my coach in between meetings?
Yes, coaches are available by phone and e-mail to check-in as needed. You can identify the best way todo that with your coach.
Why should I set coaching goals? What are typical coaching goals of clients in the program?
It is very important to set coaching goals that will properly address your developmental needs and priorities and define what you want to get out of the coaching relationship. Your coach will work with you to develop your goals and discuss your progress, which will allow you to grow and develop your skills and insights during and after the coaching engagement.
Typical client goals include:
- Building and developing various skills, including business development, communication, leadership
- Improving interpersonal skills, including influencing, motivating, and resolving conflict •Managing workload more efficiently and stress more effectively
- Delegating and leading staff more effectively
What if I want to continue with my coach after the allotted meetings?
A coaching package provides you with a specified amount of hours with a coach. If you want tocontinue working with more coaching sessions, you must request additional sessions with your coach.